Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.

— George Eastman.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Artist Gets 2 Years Probation for Criminal Contempt

Remember the "Hope" poster used by President Obama's campaign in 2008?

Hope Poster © Shepard Fairey/Mannie Garcia/Associated Press
The artist, Shepard Fairey, 42, of Los Angeles, has received 300 hours of community service, a $25,000 fine, and was placed on two years probation by U.S. Magistrate Judge Frank Maas for his conviction for criminal contempt.  

Fairey pleaded guilty to one count of criminal contempt "for destroying documents, manufacturing evidence and other misconduct in civil litigation against the Associated Press."

During pre-sentence remarks, Fairey apologized and said, "I am deeply ashamed and remorseful that I didn't live up to my own standards of honesty and integrity."

Associated Press President and CEO Gary Pruitt said, "We hope this case will serve as a clear reminder to all of the importance of fair compensation for those who gather and produce original news content."

Read the full AP article here:
No jail time for Obama 'HOPE' poster artist in NY

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